A Novena on the occasion of his
Beatification on September 22, 2012
Day 5: The Will of God in Little Things

I place myself in the Presence of God.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
God, You are here, in my thoughts and in my heart; You envelop me with Your Presence.
Louis Brisson
Accepting the Will of God is the most effective means of sanctification that we have at our disposition. Our sanctity doesn’t consist in great acts; but it is to be encountered in all the ordinary details of our life; it is made up of “little nothings”. (Louis Brisson, Retreat of 1892, 1st Instruction)
Scripture Text
And He said to them all, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily and follow Me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but he who loses his life for My sake will save it.” (Luke 9: 23-24)
Louis Brisson was not only convinced that God is Love; on the contrary, he felt that God’s Love was really present in every manifestation of His Will, and that it even appeared in all the little details of our daily life. Attentive in observing those seemingly insignificant things, he recognized the Will of God in them and sought to react accordingly. For him, that was the best means of sanctifying his life. He took up his cross daily, the one that Jesus took up and carried for us. Sometimes that cross was extremely light, sometimes quite heavy. When it is the Will of God, however that may be expressed, then it becomes His Love, and He gives us the strength to bear it.
Questions for reflection
- Am I attentive to the Will of God in the little things of life?
- Do I believe that the Will of God is an expression of His Love?
- How can I accomplish the Will of God in the “little things” that are asked of me today?
God of Love, it is not always easy to recognize Your Will in my life. Sometimes I see it very well, but that cross, which You willed to take up and carry for me, falls heavily on my shoulders. And so I come to You to beg You to lighten it and to give me the strength to accomplish Your Will. Amen.
Our Father, Who art in heaven… Glory be to the Father….