taken from the Sermons and Instructions of Louis Brisson
All for God,
all with God,
all in God,
O my Lord Jesus Christ!
Louis Brisson (Chapter of 1873, excerpt from Guten Meinung)
here is the wood for kindling.
Please bring the flame
to set it ablaze!
Louis Brisson (Chapter of December 21, 1887)
Give me, Lord,
Your wisdom as my companion
to remain with me
and to work with me.
Louis Brisson (Chapter of February 1, 1893)
Lord, since You will it,
I will it as well!
Louis Brisson (Chapter of May 6, 1885)
I want to remain with You.
I do not see You,
nor hear You,
nor feel Your presence.
But I know that You are there,
and that is enough for me.
I trust in You,
and I abandon myself entirely to You.
Louis Brisson (Retreat of 1887, 2nd Instruction)
Lord and Saviour,
unify our hearts with Your love.
Grant that all of them
may become only one heart
with Your Heart.
Louis Brisson (Retreat of 1888, 10th Instruction)
we believe
that You are with us
and we shall do
all that is in our power,
so that You may remain with us forever.
Louis Brisson (Instruction of November 21, 1888)
You are the God of my heart and my soul,
the God of my childhood and of my whole life.
You are my justice,
the God, Who delivered me from the ambushes
of my enemies…
Yes, Lord, You are all of that!
Louis Brisson (Sermon of December 17, 1896)
O divine Word,
grant that I may understand You.
Penetrate my interior
and fill me.
Give me Your light
So that I may advance with You.
Louis Brisson (Retreat of 1887, 2nd Instruction)
O Saviour Jesus,
we adore You and we pray to You in the manger,
in Your workshop at Nazareth,
poor and lacking everything,
bearing hunger and thirst
as You went about preaching,
suffering anguish at the moment
of Your bitter Passion.
Grant that we may no longer be two,
but only one in You.
Be with us,
and act with us, as You did with the members of Your family;
do not deprive us of Your presence.
Be our wealth, our fortune.
Let us follow You all the way to Mount Calvary;
let us love You always! Amen.
Louis Brisson (Retreat of 1887, 6th Instruction)
O God,
may You look with love upon what we do,
and that look will constitute our happiness here below
and our happiness for all eternity. Amen
Louis Brisson (Retreat of 1894, 6th Instruction)
My God,
I can bring You only rags, worthless things of no value;
I cast all of that into Your depths,
and I await Your help in my discouragement.
In You, o my God,
I bury my whole being.
My will is hidden in Yours for safekeeping.
Louis Brisson (Chapter of January 27, 1892)
My God,
You are my nourishment,
my daily bread, my life.
I want to learn,
to know You truly,
to love You more,
and to serve You better and more ardently.
Louis Brisson (Retreat for the Sisters of the Visitation of Rheims, 1879, 1st Instruction)
My God,
Grant that I may love You!
Lord, I want to love You more!
I do not love You enough!
Louis Brisson (Chapter of August 4, 1880)
Lord, we want to love You
with an infinite love,
with a love that responds
to Your love.
Louis Brisson (Sermon of November 6, 1893)