A Novena on the occasion of his
Beatification on September 22, 2012
What is a Novena?

The Novena (from the Latin “novem” meaning “nine”) is a special form of prayer of nine days, offered for a particular intention or on a special occasion, and which has a definite Theme other than that of a simple demand presented to God. We find the Biblical model for the novena in the Acts of the Apostles, when the Disciples, gathered together in the room of the Last Supper with the Women and with Mary, the Mother of Jesus, after Christ’s Ascension until Pentecost, persevered in prayer in order to prepare for the Descent of the Holy Spirit (cf. Acts 1: 14). The present Novena offers the opportunity of focusing upon some of Louis Brisson’s thoughts and advice on the occasion of his Beatification on September 22, 2012. The structure of the Novena permits each one to choose freely what best suits his personal prayer. This Novena can be used in conjunction with other prayers or as a proposed text for reflection for the exercise of Meditation.